Sweet Potato Pie

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I grew up eating sweet potato pie during the holidays. I mean, the WHOLE holiday season. Either we or another family member always had sweet potato pie in their house from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day. Sweet potato pie is known as a southern dessert. It was likely created and made a staple by slaves and passed down generations. Even though I grew up in Boston, I didn’t really know that most people at pumpkin pie. I don’t think I ate pumpkin pie until I was over 30 years old!

I’ve always loved sweet potato pie. My best friend and I used to eat it for breakfast when we were teens, because we said it was a whole meal since it had vegetables, eggs, and milk! Now, my son loves it too. We’re both a little picky about our sweet potato pie. There are definitely different textures and tastes, so not everybody’s sweet potato pie tastes the same.

I’m no expert sweet potato pie baker – I had so many relatives who made it so well, why should I? After some of the best bakers in my family passed away, I would buy frozen pie if I wanted some in the house. (It wasn’t that bad!) This year, my son was asking for sweet potato pie for Thanksgiving. His favorite is his grandmother’s, but my mother-in-law decided to go out of town this year and wasn’t making a pie. That gave me the motivation I needed to perfect my sweet potato pie!  I looked up a lot of recipes, and asked a lot of people. Most people made their by taste, so really couldn’t share a recipe.  After about 5 pies, I’ve come up with a recipe that I (and my family) love!

And, my son and I had a slice of pie for breakfast Sunday morning!



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